Literally on your doorstop you will find Chester's independent boutiques and array coffee shops, bars and restaurants.
Chester has quite rightly been described as 'the jewel of the North-West of England'. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the city is that within a very small area there is evidence of every period of history - from the old walls and amphitheatre of Roman times, through medieval churches, Elizabethan timber-framed townhouses and Georgian terraces, to Victorian restorations and 21st century architecture.
The city has much to offer the tourist, including excellent shopping in and around the famous Tudor 'Rows' and lovely walks along the Roman Walls, beside the River Dee and through the picturesque Grosvenor Park. Explore Chester's beautiful medieval cathedral, visit Chester Racecourse, or spend a day at the world renowned Chester Zoo.
The recent addition of Storyhouse now offers further culture in the city with its award winning £37M theatre, cinema and restaurant renovation.
更遠的地方,壯麗的威爾士山脈和海岸線,古樸的集鎮和柴郡村莊以及擁有一流高爾夫球場的威勒爾半島(Wirral Peninsula),都近在咫尺。柴郡橡樹名品奧特萊斯(Cheshire Oakes Designer Outlet)距離酒店僅十分鐘車程,購物天堂是一個擁有數百個品牌的購物天堂,從大街到高端設計師,所有這些商店均提供非常優惠的價格。
如果乘坐火車,查斯特切斯特教堂(Chepel Chester)距離切斯特車站(或出租車5分鐘)僅15分鐘步行路程,可輕鬆前往倫敦,利物浦,曼徹斯特和北威爾士海岸。
這個城市是慶祝,週年紀念或城市休假的理想目的地。教堂切斯特(Chepel Chester)的地理位置非常隱秘,位於鵝卵石鋪成的安靜街道上,因此不適合將自己沉浸在這座城市中,甚至可以睡個好覺。